Removing Google Plus From Your Website

This article was originally posted on StewArt Media’s blog. Google’s social network, Google Plus (Google+), has been limping along for the past few years without any real uptake from the general internet population. While it’s seen some popularity among developer circles and those within the SEO space, it’s never been able to hold its own…

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GDPR - What is it, and what does it mean for your blog?
GDPR and How it Affects Bloggers

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) notifications have been popping up all over the web, emails being sent out requiring users accept new privacy policies, and businesses scrambling to figure out how this will impact them and their websites. What impact will this have on you and your blog? It depends on a few factors. Do…

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Poor Hosting Companies Lead to Increase In Time To First Byte
Time To First Byte – The Connection Between Hosting Companies & Poor Load Times

This post was inspired by our bloggersSEO Support community. After investigating a number of our members sites, we noticed a common thread between those hosted with a popular WordPress host. The time your blog takes to load has a significant impact on several different aspects of your online marketing – from user engagement all the…

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How To Write Your Blog Content For Google – Part One

This how-to has been put together to help you improve your organic traffic through Google search results, by telling you how you should be writing your blog content for Google. To put it bluntly, you shouldn’t. You always need to be writing for your audience. Google isn’t engaging with your content, they’re not a potential…

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5 Things Bloggers Do Wrong With SEO and How to Fix Them

You can do all the marketing in the world, but if the SEO on your blog isn’t right, it will never get the Google rankings it deserves. Great SEO for WordPress is crucial for successful blogging, but many bloggers think it’s too complicated to do by themselves. Not true. It’s completely possible to create a…

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